Monday, November 2, 2009

60 minutes (30/30)

Meditation: 30 minutes
Where: Zafu
When: 8:00 a.m.
How: Passage Meditation ('Twin Verses' from the Buddha, Dhamapada)
Notes: Great meditation this morning! I wasn't sleepy, I was only moderately distracted and I felt calm and centred. I woke up feeling a bit scattered this morning, tidied up the apartment, ate breakfast and sat in front of my S.A.D. light before starting meditation. I'm wondering if the S.A.D. light made a difference?

Meditation: 30 minutes
Where: Zafu
When: 8:30 p.m.
How: Passage Meditation ('Twin Verses' from the Buddha, Dhamapada)
Notes: I skipped hockey and opted for an early bedtime tonight. My meditation was really good until the last 10 minutes, when I started drifting off to sleep.

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