Sunday, November 29, 2009

40 minutes (30/10)

Meditation: 30 minutes
Where: St. C House
When: 8:00 a.m.
How: Passage Meditation ('Twin Verses' from the Buddha, Dhamapada)
Notes: One disadvantage to meditating at the house is noise. I woke up late this morning, so I had to deal with a telephone conversation in the background. I put on headphones and listened to an ocean waves recording to block out the noise, but it was still difficult. Wondering if a recording of white noise, along with my Bose noise reduction headphones would do the trick?

Meditation: 10 minutes
Where: St. C House
When: 6:00 p.m.
How: Passage Meditation ('Twin Verses' from the Buddha, Dhamapada)
Notes: Noise again, this time a movie ('I Heart Huckabees' which is bad enough when you're NOT meditating...). Definitely need the headphones, or maybe earplugs. Very distracted and unhappy tonight.

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